China losing its Game : Shrinking Economy, Problems with all neighbours

China's economy is Shrinking. The People's Liberation Army isn’t fully prepared to face India's armed forces. Anti-China sentiment is high worldwide. India will be resolute. The PLA is the Worlds biggest land grab MAFIA . PM Modi gave a clear signal yesterday that the India and the world have had enough of its landgrabs and Expansionism. Herein onnwards China will have to come out of its Non- kinetic Comfort Zone and FIGHT. Japan joins the chorus of nations supporting India against Chinese aggression. Japan openly supported India against China. Why Left Supports China? The left in India has too often had more sympathy for China than any respect for India's enduring Vedic and yogic traditions. Often serve as intellectual apologists for Chinese aggression. No sympathy even for Tibet . Most of the Communists have link to CPC ( Chinese Communist Party ). As India and China face-off, interview of Sitaram Yechury ...