China's ๐จ๐ณ propaganda Exposed (Phat gayi Chiniyo ki Gand)

Recently after the Arrival of Rafales in India ๐ฎ๐ณ many of our Neighbours have started to rattle. China ๐จ๐ณ has started propaganda through his mouthpiece Global Times About Rafale being no match to J-20 Chengdu. Global Times has started to spread the propaganda of CCP. The Article says that the Rafale is not even near the J-20 and its is just a little better than Sukhoi-30 MKI of the IAF. Global Times has also said that the J-20 Chengdu aka Mighty Dragon is the Best Fighter in the world. But after the article was released the former Air Force Chief B S Dhanoa asked two questions about the J-20 Why does the J-20 has Canards as most of the Stealth Fighters doesn't have these Canards. Such as F22, F35 and Su-57. A canard foreplane may be used for various reasons such as lift, (in)stability, trim, flight control, or to modify airflow over the main wing. They tend to r...