Primary Assualt Rifle Of Security Forces - INSAS

We all have seen this Rifle in our life on TV, social media, newspapers, etc. Which is the Primary Weapon of Security Forces in Whole Bharat. 

The INSAS stands for INdian Small Arms System

This Rifle has been in service with security forces from 1998 till now.

It is an Indigenously developed Assualt Rifle produced by Ordinace Factory Board. It is produced in Tiruchirappalli 
Factory 🏭. 

Rate of fire: 600–650 rounds/min
Effective firing range: 400m (Insas Rifle); 600 m: Point targets (Insas LMG); 700 m: Area target (Insas LMG)
Barrel length: 464 mm (18.3 in)
Length: 960 mm (37.8 in)
Feed system: 20- or 30-round detachable box magazine
Sights: In-built iron sights, mount point for telescopic or night sight. 

But this Rifle has its fair Share of Problems. It has no automatic system but it start firing in automatic system itself. 
It Barrel starts to breakdown in Cold Atmosphere, places such as Siachin. 

This Rifle Is going to be replaced by Several Rifles from across the world some through fast track procurement and some through "Make in India", through collaboration with other countries such with Russia 🇷🇺. 

It has many variants such as 

INSAS Standard Rifle



Kalantak and Amogh

The Modernisation of the Armed forces are a must need. The replacement of ARs in the Inventory is needed through foreign, domestic, collaboration between both. 

JAI HIND 🇮🇳🙏🇮🇳🙏🇮🇳🙏🇮🇳🙏🇮🇳🙏


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